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The Cone Health Regional Center for Infectious Disease (RCID) Community Advisory Board (CAB) serves as an advocacy group for individuals living with and affected by HIV/AIDS (Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). The purpose of the CAB is to facilitate communication between the HIV/AIDS affected community, the RCID Clinical Trials Unit (ACTU) and the RCID HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN). The CAB also ensures that the research agenda is responsive to the concerns and needs of individuals of the target audiences for both ACTG (AIDS Clinical Trials Group), and HPTN.


The Cone Health RCID Advisory Board is an active network of approximately 15 members reflecting the diverse populations affected by HIV/AIDS in the area. The board is composed of those most affected by HIV/AIDS, their friends and families, trial participants, ACTG staff, HPTN Staff, ConeHealth Infectious Disease Physicians, RCID staff, advocates and members of HIV service organizations.  It is affiliated with the UNC-CH (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Community Advisory Board, as a subunit of the UNC Clinical Trials Unit, site 3201.


1. Provide community perspectives on issues involving the ACTG and HPTN.

2. Maintain open communication among the ACTG and HPTN CRS, its participants and the HIV community.

3. Provide education on each protocol under consideration, as well as other      informational materials produced by the ACTG and HPTN.

4. Support recruitment and retention of trial participants, ensuring that access to the ACTG and HPTN trials is fair and equal to women, minority groups, MSM population, transgenders, seniors, and those with a history of drug abuse. 

5.  Serve as a sounding board to ensure that clinical research is ethical.

6.  Coordinate multiple trials participation to make it more efficient and cost effective.

7.  Provide practical input on the design and quality of services

8.  Bring a consumer and community-based perspective to program planning and evaluation.

9.  Identify barriers to services from a consumer’s perspective




1. Dental Clinic



We at RCID welcome your input on how we can provide exceptional to patients in our community. 


Please provide your feedback on how we can better serve you. 


301 East Wendover Avenue

Suite 111

Greensboro, NC 27401-1209

Phone: (336) 832-7840

Fax: (336) 832-3285

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Monday - Thu  8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Fri - 8 am - Noon

Closed daily for lunch 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.

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